Here is a link to the survey I created:
Now for the results,
"Too dry with a lot of the interesting stuff left
out, e.g. Horrible Histories, or historical articles on"
"History is diverse and so are interests. Being
forced to learn particular history creates animosity for the subject."
"no interist in it"
"Bored with the way it's presented"
"Learning facts and dates can put some people off"
"In my opinion history wasn't enjoyable as it was
heavy fact based learning remembering dates & figures and not
necessary putting what you learn in context. Plus in my secondary school
Irish history was only taught i.e. the plantation of Ulster.. where i
would have preferred learning about WW2 which led to the modern day
Europe - East/West Germany and the break up of the USSR and the cold
war, American civil rights - Martin Luther King, John F Kennedy etc"
"some think it's irrelevant to their lives"
"It can be a lot of tedious information to memorise; dates, names of events etc."
"I believe that many people, especially children at
secondary school age, do not understand the importance of history and
have little time for it due to this."
"They find it boring, or irrelevant to their interests."
"People find it hard to follow especially history of other countries"
"It's always quite one-sided/biased towards the country in which you are in school."
"People nowadays are more concerned with the here and now,celebrities and Facebook."
"It's to subjective and not exploratory enough. People tell their side instead of studying all sides."
"Some people may not care about the past or find it
difficult to remember the dates of historical events, this could put
them off learning history"
"My teacher was scary"
"concentration on events and dates but not making it clear as to why these things are important now"
"Because it is seen as a subject where you have to write lots and the teacher always goes on and on"
"It depends on the teacher and how they teach the subject"
"The way it is being taught. It should be more
interactive and fun so that as students we can engage ourselves. Also,
modern history should be taught more so that it can be more relevant to
our lives"
"Haven't a clue. If we don't know where we've been, how can we figure out where we're going?"
"Of course the main priority is that the teacher uses
the right method to keep your interest, but I feel the work wether it's
text books or homework needs to become more visual."
"To be honest I really enjoyed history but in the
north we only really learned about English history and I'd have much
rather learned about my own countries history ..."
"I only really enjoyed history in school when it was
Irish history, or films were shown. I found I learnt better when it was
visual because you weren't bombared with information written in a book.
You were being shown the information like a normal film and it was
better for the shock factor of some of the terrible things that have
happened through the years. Irish history was more interesting because
it was personal and about where I lived. In saying that it was good to
learn about international history because we need to be aware of the
rest of the world. Even if it wasn't too enjoyable at times its still
needed for us to be culturally aware of places other than just where we
"Sometimes it's too much about reading books for exams"
"It's taught in a boring unapproachable way that becomes a list of dates and names."
"It's a very broad subject. Alot of people find it difficult to take in all the information."
"Boring as fuck teachers. Teaching Boring as fuck
aspects of historical figures. I don't give a shit about remembering the
exact years Rembrandt painted his shit, the asshole was so far up his
own ass he could paint himself inside and out. THE LAST PART WAS THE
INTERESTING PART. But like I didn't like History in school BUT HISTORY
IS FUCKING FASCINATING I just got taught boring ass shit by boring ass
people who didn't give a shit about teaching."
"I think some people may not like history as they
find the times/people hard to relate to. This causes a disconnect."
"Everybody has their own preference, I personally don't like History in school but others might."
"Too many dates and such to remember"
"The way it is presented to them does not hold their attention."
"I think it's alot to do with the individual. Some
people love reading, some writing, some researching, some art, some
sport, some music,some love maths( Really? But
that's my opinion!). Some people may like all the above. It is just the
way we are and what makes a person tick.
In saying that, although I enjoyed history, I can see why some may not
like it. There is alot of information from a study/examination
perspective. Lots of dates and names. And I mean there is alot of
history in the world. Sometimes people think the past is in the past,
leave it there.
It can be a difficult subject. Hard to remember all the details. That's
why some people may not like it."
"Its extremely date based in grammar schools in particular. Very statistical and hard to learn."
"In school it's all about learning dates, not about hearing the interesting stories there are to tell!"
"It can be boring"
"Too many dates to remember"
"I believe the method of some teachings are rather dull. Too many dates and figures."
From the data I collected It became apparent that alot of people felt they didn't enjoy history in school however interestingly they still thought it was important to continue to study it in both primary and secondary level. So even though they didn't enjoy it they still seen the importance of it.
From the comments above from question 2, alot of the responses I recieved expressed a need for a visual form of learning. The current form of textbook learning makes it too dull.
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